
Is Your Car’s AC Getting a Tough Workout? Here are 5 Tips to Ease on it

The air conditioning is by far one of the most commonly used amenities inside your car. It protects you from the blazing heat, as well as freezing cold outside, creating a cocoon of comfortable space inside the driver’s cabin so that you can commute in peace.

Modern vehicle air conditioning systems are way more efficient and are capable of adjusting the temperature of your car’s cabin within a few minutes. However, the warm and humid British summer can make those minutes feel like hours, especially if you have left your car under the sun for anything more than 30 minutes.

Now, there are some tricks you can use to cool your car faster, and efficiently. Let’s take a look at some tips that would bring a comfortable temperature inside the cabin within minutes without straining your car’s Air Conditioning in Newport or anywhere else in the UK.

Let’s Start with the Beginning

Presuming you will power on your car’s AC as soon as you close its doors, let’s discuss the tips following the moment you enter your car, until it reaches a comfortable temperature inside.

  1. Pump out the hot air inside – Before you start the AC, evacuate the trapped hot air from inside your car’s cabin. Roll down all four windows and start driving and after a minute start your car’s AC. Also, use it when your car’s engine is on otherwise it will strain the battery.

  2. Start with a low setting – Setting the lowest temperature and allowing its fan to circulate it inside the cabin will make it more efficient. Putting it in maximum will recirculate cabin air in an attempt to cool it as soon possible. Starting it slowly will also save some fuel.

  3. Do not recirculate – Recirculation draws in air from front of your car’s cabin and pumps it in back. Although it may sound useful, it will quickly stale the air inside your car’s cabin.

  4. Keep it serviced – Keeping your car’s AC filters clean will allow it to perform better and run more efficiently. Various foreign elements like dust, pollen, etc. can clog the vents and filters, straining the system when it tries to cool the interiors. Swapping AC filters once every six months will keep it in good condition.

Similarly, follow the recommended service schedule to keep it in good condition. You will have to refill AC coolant from time to time. Also, some necessary servicing like cleaning the vents and intakes have to be followed to keep it in good shape. You can take your car to a reputed service garage, like Trade Price Tyres, for the same. They offer complete Vehicle Servicing in Newport and its surrounding areas.

  1. Set the Auto mode – If your car comes with climate control, you should start with its lowest settings to cool your car’s interior faster. Later, allow the climate control to adjust to the best temperature for maximum comfort.

Your car’s AC can get a real workout, especially during the months of summer. However, ensuring that it works efficiently and effectively should be your primary concern. Follow the tips mentioned above to enjoy a relaxing drive, even during the hottest day of the season.

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